Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Something pleasant                my footprints
                                   acting as if                    are the first

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

1 minute, 37 seconds of purple blossoms.

I want to pour this out
this something within
will someone help catch it
before it runs away screaming
down the

I want to punch you with a cloud
every day
I want to write love on your face
with a marker
no erase

even if i am gone
the mark will stay
shouting to the world
the four winds
i am

Let us build bridges out of stone
with foundations of gold
resting on wisps
of vapor dreams
more stable than
the strongest

Who are you? I want to know
love to know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

If I wrote anything right now, I would be lying.
Off to precious slumber...

Friday, October 19, 2007


Kaleidoscope I wrote this in 5 minutes of history class last year for a writing thingy.

Life is a creep

Snail’s pace

Everything up close,

What it really is.

Time walks step in step,

But its tempo determined

By the master

So we walk

Heart in heart

Not hand in hand

What time we waste

For those we love

All things go, all things go

I don’t mind, we’ll rest easy justified

A fork in the road

Is no fork at all, my true blue friend.

The only difference I see in you now,

Is that you are the same as yesterday.

Taking the world by storm, but only on weekends,

Holiday hours, and fool’s time.

In between we live someone else’s life.

Life, simple elegance, extended haiku

A film, projected for all to see

A Horror? A Drama? A Comedy?

All share a script, but to each his own producer

On the same stage, but for a different play.

In Intermissions,

Then we are alive

To see a friend

Embrace this thing called life

No greater gift, no greater burden.

No longer does he exist on paper,

A poorly drawn cartoon, hastily colored in.

Turmoil is the center, felled barrier,

Of the Peace of a life recovered…discovered…uncovered.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

2 minutes and 43 seconds of musing

Countless little pests
Obstruct my vision
but really
am I one of the few that can see?
or am I wrong
I know i am selfish and petty
just as prone as them
to fall into the canyon
dark and deep
(the scenery is at the top)
can these small things hurt me
if i pretend they dont exist
may be bliss
but I don't want bliss.
I want the pangs of life
the roughness of the gem
but really
I only want the kind of pain I want
does that make me a hypocrite?
an opportunist?
But really i feel my motivation is different
maybe i'm just justifying it
acquitting the murderer...
but is that so wrong?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm lying to myself.
I lied about the title...
it was 2 minutes and 44 seconds.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Someone please, show me that I am still alive.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The rain has stopped, and a new world is around me.
E it in. i wish i could go to sleep wrapped in its scent.
5 minutes after the last post, the rain began to patter the roof of my house. I thought of my jeep, in the driveway with the windows cracked, but i'm sure it will survive.
Rain is an amazing thing, really. Some hate it, some love it, but it always falls evenly, on everyone.
theres something more to it too, than just drops of water, churned out by angry, or sad, clouds. cleansing, washing away, life, renewal...the symbolism could be cut with a knife. but then again, its just stupid rain. or is it?
It is an opportunity to make an excellent cup of tea.
No matter how hard i wave my arms in an attempt to make it go away, the rain will stay, an imposing yet peaceful presence in the night. It's a lot bigger and more significant than me, and for a moment I am shaken out of my chronic selfishness.
The bricks are cold upon my feet as I walk out front for a moment...the rain laps down my face, as I have temporarily imposed myself on precipitation's kingdom. Such pity for the small plants struggling to grow between the bricks...their fate should have been Round-Up, but they're not hurting anyone. Struggle for survival so often is independent and aloof.
There is nothing more frustrating than a world of thought that refuses to carry itself into expression, like a hose with a kink in it. or something.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Onward! into mindless grinding business
floating dreadfully onward
to what? what can it say for itself
when all is said and done?
are emotions here forced?
contrived enjoyment?
not spontaneous,
more "should"s
instead of "do"s or "is"s.
damn the oppressive plasticities
the unseen specter
driving towards insanity.
what if i am one?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Life, puppy's nose
excitement moisten
take in the sound
cavalier bagpipes
over mountain
over river
simple things drift on the mayweather breeze
oh, the time to see them
to catch them
hold them close
walls fall away
breathing in butterflies
destroys the telescopes.

-free writing #1....1 minute.

#2 was last post.
Marching marching
to nowhere
my torch cannot pierce the darkness
put out by those with hoses
what blind water
soon i am putting out fires myself.

marching marching
through the maze
which path to take?
which wall to scale?
which wall to bang my head against
repeatedly, yielding a hole of light
precious fresh air...
or just a headache?

emotions lie to me
thoughts are blind
instincts are flawed
where am i to turn but You?
sometimes you seem so far, I try to do it on my own.
i can. i must. let you.

running in circles
attacking the wall with a
karate chop-chop.
what am i expecting?
sure not my hand to defeat the wall?
yet i must still try right?

closing in
where am I going.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

do not be afraid.