Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Worst thieves ever.

Walking back from getting Chinese food. Temple University area. 2 am.
Walk past these guys. "Not racial stereotyping!" I say to myself, as I am tempted to hang up on kara and get out of there fast. AK speeds up on his bike a little, I walk a little faster, after the guy stops to tie his shoe.

Punched on the side of the face, my glasses fly off. I whacked him with the Chinese food. They grab my phone off the ground and run.

Crappiest phone ever. Broken outer screen, screen blinks every 5 seconds, randomly turns off, drops calls, has a battery life of about half an hour if talking.
BUT it has all my contacts, some of which I won't get back, and my pictures and videos, none of which I will ever get back. not even the most excellent one of my dad sleeping on the toilet, the cool MIT building, or Lopez'z urinal turd.
Gone are my thousand inbox texts. no biggie.
Gone is the ability to call people at will.

Starting over, less convenience and control.
Maybe this will be good for me.
Even if it is just terrible, can't do anything about it anyway. I was just really hungry and we lost almost all are Chinese. yes, we picked up one relatively undamaged package of sesame chicken and kept it. and the egg rolls.

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