Monday, June 1, 2009

"Color Test"

There is a major thread here that is pretty much off, I think, but you be the judge of that... then again, I wouldn't know... but it interests me enough to post it, though I think it may be just vague enough to apply anytime, like a horoscope.

ColorQuiz.comAlejandro took the free personality test!

"Lives life to the fullest. Has a high energy leve..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

1 comment:

AiValle said...

I agree that you live life to the fullest (very much so. that is a quality I admire in you.) :) , and that you can be a little lazy (but not always, just procrastination when it comes to some schoolwork. haha but who doesn't?) ; but everything else is very off.

I like that you took the quiz too :)
