Sunday, November 22, 2009

asleep at the wheel

The chewing gum on the asphalt creeps under my tires, driving home from a short mission.
I know who my friends are. I know the good people. And they're all over the place.
My jeep needs an oil change, but for now it's running fine.

Thanksgiving Break, how sweet the sound.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm never going to get any homework done.

Wonderful concerts, good people (even if only in flashes), camaraderie and community, squirrels burying nuts on the quad, freshmen who are having a better college experience than seniors, swell books, party socks, conversations, and thoughtfulness.
Contentment with the ordinary and hunger for the extraordinary.
Life is good, even in the troughs of the wave.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


...a roller coaster it's been lately. I'm getting to old for this. I'm probably just tired, but I have this feeling, mostly from the series of unfortunate events that has been continually unfolding across the past 72 hours, that I am way off track with life right now. Hardcore off track.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ok ok, we get the vine, but where the hell are the branches?

I feel that life is kind of cyclical. Continually we stray far from who we actually are, only to come back with some fresh baggage, trailing some new hopes and dreams which spill out of our suitcase, dirtying themselves on the airport floor.

everywhere we gain new perspective, influences, characteristics, loves, and demons. but we always end up somewhere at least close to where we actually are. after all, even if you're not "yourself", you're still you.

I was reading my xanga from freshman/ sophomore years of high school. What a weird kid, but in some ways I had all my ducklings in a row. Too bad they all grew up into ducks and ran away, honking into the night air looking for something new.

Like eef barzelay, on the bus to the unknown. and i dig it.